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From getting this feedback from a number of people on snapchat and whatsapp was good as a got a variety.  The majority of people gave positive feedback but one boy said I should change the name of the production. The reason for this is because he feels its directed at a particular area in London as its the same name which I thought was a good point. Secondly another main issue people had was just slowing the video down abit.

By noticing the majority of individuals rated my video a  7 shows me that there's room for improvement. From this I am going to do focus  groups of different people to see what I could improve which could bump my video to 10. By noticing the majority of individuals rated my video a 7 shows me that there's room for improvement. From this I am going to do focus  groups of different people to see what I could improve which could bump my video to 10. From seeing what a number of people said I could improve has given me the idea to film both individuals in the video again and get a few more shots and also I an going get glody to repeat the vice over and make him do it slower. The reason I say this is so it will slow down the video.The reason I have decided this is because I have a number of people tell me the video needs to be slowed down as it happens to quick. From this it was mainly positive feedback however one person said the video was abit saturated. I think from this I am going to do a number of focus groups to see what others think aswell as going off one person.

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